Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Accessorizing Appropriately

Tonight after supper (Greek-Style Beef & Veggies, if you were wondering) we went on our family walk.  I think we all, Colonel some of us more than others, look forward to this time of being outside and enjoying the sunset and each other's company.

On this particular day, in the 3.2478 hours that Kalyn had been home, she had changed clothes approximately 5 times.  I dread her laundry - but that's another story for another time.  After the kimono, pink princess dress, gold princess dress, school clothes, and an outgrown dress (not necessarily in that order) I had told her to go put on something appropriate to wear to sit at the table.  She returns in a mismatched outfit of clashing mod prints.  Painful to the eyes.  But, appropriate.  After supper, Dave and I tell her to run upstairs and put on some socks and shoes.  I think she thought we said change clothes again...

Make that seven changes.  I think this sets a record for her. 

I'm getting the dog harnessed up as Kalyn heads down the stairs and outside.  I meet her and Dave outside and realize I must go in and get my camera.  She is picture perfect.  And the sun is going down.  Perfect time for pictures.

Dressed oh so cute-ly in a matching outfit from a Swedish clothing company (and yes, it does rhyme with Schmanna Schandersen).

Cute, right?

But the preppy little Southern girl can't be without her argyle sweater....right?

Or pearls.  Pearls are a must-have for the debutante-in-training right?

Oh - and don't forget the MOST important thing.  Do not leave the house without these...

3-D glasses.  The most important accessory for a walk around the block.  Perfection. 

Not to mention the milk mustache from dinner.

I love this kid.  I love her spirit.  And her weird sense of style.  And that she is so comfortable with being herself.  Being a kid is hard some days.  I am so glad tonight for her sweet, free spirit.

But tomorrow may be another story...


  1. Oh my goodness gracious!! I love this!!! I just about cried from laughing while sitting in the carpool line - a much needed laugh :)

  2. I love this post!!! Kalyn makes me laugh and smile at her. This for sure brightened my already happy Friday.
