Wednesday, December 8, 2010

christmas decorations. (a reflection)

This year, Christmas will be different at our house.  We have decorated a little differently this year and I believe I like it. 

It is simple.  Reflective.  Contemplative.

We only chose three decorations to get out this year and this is the first. 


Our nativity set.  I love the simplicity of this set.  It is beautiful.  It reminds me of the plain and unadorned way Jesus Christ - Immanuel - came into this world.  Immanuel means God with us.  God came to live amongst us and in our hearts.  So humbly. Not as a king or ruler, but a child born in the lowliest of places. 

How amazing!  

The King of Kings, the Lord of Lords came and lived in a manner so humble that it defies all of our worldly logic of how a king should be.  (Philippians 2:7-8)

But this was God's plan. 

For a child is born to us, a son is given to us.  The government will rest on his shoulders.  And he will be called:
Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God,
Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace. 
(Isaiah 9:6)


You see, this was God's perfect plan to ransom you and I from our sinful state.  Do you know of any other king that has devised such a plan?  That a baby would come and live among the people.  And grow into a man - the Savior, preaching a message of love and repentance.  And then die at their hands to pay the penalty for my sins.  For yours.  For everyone's.  But this was the plan.  A beautiful, perfect plan. 


So each and every day, as I walk by this table and see this simple nativity scene which is a visual representation of the humility of my Savior, I am reminded again and again that this baby - this child, this man, this Savior - came for the purpose of setting me free.  Of suffering and dying so that I may live.  That, friends, is completely overwhelming. 

Overwhelmed at the love and mercy that has been bestowed on my life.

My heart is so very thankful.

I am thankful this year for the simplicity of the decorations around our home.  Instead of the usual busyness of lights, garlands, wreaths, multiple trees and red and green thrown into every nook, there is a calm. And a reflective peace. 

I pray for my family and for each of you this season. 

That the busyness will not overtake you. 

That you will take the time to ponder this amazing gift of a Son, a baby - and what that means for your life.

That each one of you will know that in the midst of the whirlwind of life,
there is Peace. 

His name is Immanuel.

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