Saturday, August 28, 2010

Nothing to Talk About

It's been a few days since I last wrote.  Well, sort of.  I've started a few updates but didn't finish them.  I'm going to update right now (since my house is clean, the touch-ups on the bookcase are drying, my child is playing with her friends...).

1.  I had been putting off doing ironing and a huge pile had developed.  And laundry.  In an effort to finish the chair last week, I had not done a load of laundry every other day.  This is normally how I keep up with the laundry.  It never ceases to amaze me how fast laundry accumulates.  At this moment I am caught up and back in my every-other-day routine.  Also, the ironing is done and put away- yay!

Well, until later this week.

2. Here is my current reading list:

Radical, by David Platt
Bringing up Girls, by Dr. James Dobson
Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte
a couple of G.K. Chesterton books
Look Homeward, Angel, by Thomas Wolfe

3.  About Radical.  This is one of the most challenging books I have ever read.  As a Christian, I want to do everything I can for God's glory.  I've been challenged to think about how to do this in each moment of my life.  More on this next week.

4.  I love teaching the preschoolers at my church on Sunday mornings!  I've been preparing Sunday School lessons for the next three months this past week and I am so excited about the upcoming units!  I cannot wait  to share with these little ones the importance of God's Word as we learn about the characteristics of the Bible as a special book. 

5.  Being in the military, it is important to have friends where you are that are like family.  I am so blessed and thankful to have friends here.  Friends that do school carpool and give advice on house projects, those that pray with me, the ones that meet for coffees that turn into lunches, the ones for late night pizza and games, and those that love me even when I am not so lovable.  I am so grateful for the people that God has placed in my life and if I haven't told you and you are reading this - I am thankful for you!

6.  I love this time of year in Colorado!  There is just the hint of fall coming in the air.  I say this at the beginning of every season, but I do really think fall is my favorite.  So many things are special things that happen (or did happen) in the fall- when Dave and I began dating, our wedding anniversary, K's birthday, football...  Again, I could go on and on - but I love this time of year and am so glad that God gives us seasons of the year and how they remind me of different seasons in life. 

6.  And last, I linked my reupholstered chair up to a challenge this past week and made the Top 10!  Yay!  If you haven't had the opportunity to see the winner and the others in the Top 10 - not to mention the 150+ other Pottery Barn inspired project, go check it out!  Loads of great ideas. 

I hope everyone is having a blessed and relaxed weekend like we are.  Check back next week for some book discussion, more crafting and thrifting posts, and maybe we will actually blog about some food next week!

1 comment:

  1. Good post of random happy thoughts. We love having you guys as friends too!
