Monday, August 23, 2010

Thrifty Treasures #1

Who loves finding a good deal?  I do!  No matter where it's found - garage sale, yard sale, thrift store, Craigslist, Freecycle - I love finding things for our home on the cheap!  I usually go looking for some particular items for our home, but there are definitely times I find a cool vintage item I just have to have. 

Lately I've been scouring all of the places mentioned above for picture frames.  I have an idea for the hallway going up the stairs and it's going to require a lot of frames!  I've collected about 6 so far (Goodwill and yard sale purchases) and spray painted them a nice satin brown.  I know what you're thinking....spray paint again?  I love, love, love to spray paint things - it's quick and easy and provides instant change.  

Here's a picture of some I've already done (there are two small matching oval ones somewhere as well...).

I think they turned out nice, they're just kind of plain.  I've been on the hunt for some frames that have character and/or texture.  Last week - I hit the frame jackpot.  I procured (I love that word!) about 20 frames that are now in my garage and I paid a total of $6.43 for all of them.  Now, to be honest, I got the majority of them free from posting an ad on Freecycle.  I did get five of them for $6.43 at Goodwill.

Here are the five I got at Goodwill...

And here is the box of frames I got from a Freecycle Friend.  Well, these are the ones I am probably not using for this particular project, but I think I have plans for them already! 

There are some good ones in there - they are all 4x6 or 5x7 and I needed a few of the larger ones. 

Here are the Freecycle Frames that I WILL be spray painting along with my Goodwill finds tomorrow.

I love find great items that can have another life!  So - here's a final picture of tomorrow's project (sorry that it's a tad out of focus).

I know everyone loves good deals so with that, the question is.....what's your thrifty weakness?   Is there a particular item or collection you always look for or do you look for things that catch your eye? 

PS - my sister scored an awesome find this past weekend, too!  A super-nice Ethan Allen head- and footboard at a garage sale.  It was a good weekend!

I'm linking up to the Southern Hospitality blog and her Thrifty Treasures link party.

southern hospitality

1 comment:

  1. Not sure if it is something thrifty that I look for, but I am always drawn to books. If I go to a garage sale, consignment store, anywhere, I always have to stop by the book section. I don't discriminate against the types of books: Childrens, fiction, non-fiction, really anytihng. It drives my husband crazy when I bring home MORE books. It has been cool tore-donate some of the books I have found after I have read them. I too am a sucker for good deals though of course! Love the blog Flanders!!! Keep it up.
